Despite bosses' absurd spin, Employee Experience Survey shows real dissatisfaction )
The University of Alaska released the results of its “Employee Experience Survey”. The results the University chose to highlight were dismal even when spun in the most absurd way. For instance, one of the “very positive signs” was that 66% of employees felt engaged and motivated. The obvious flip side is that a huge 33% of employees did not feel engaged or motivated. Similarly, 66% of employees planned to stay with the University (33% didn’t), and 75% of employees said the University met their expectations of an employer (not so for the other 25%).
Other figures could not be spun positively. For instance, consider how these statements would sound had they made it into the University’s triumphant announcements:
Great news! 56% of UA employees feel “this university shows a commitment to ethical business decisions and conduct.”
Wonderful outcome! 44% of UA employees feel “there is open and honest two-way communication at my university.”
Hurray! 73% of executives have a favorable view of the University, while 54% of faculty have a favorable view of the University.