"The Working Class Needs A Militant Labor Day" )
We direct our readers to the International Communist Tendency’s recent article “The Working Class Needs A Militant Labor Day.” One particularly resonant passage:
Despite the role unions play in capitalism, we do not call for ripping up your union card tomorrow. We call upon the workers themselves to be the basis of the struggle. In Montreal, the daycare workers in Little Burgundy started doing exactly this. They organized an email chain and began determining the course of their strike beyond the union. This small example serves as a modern lesson for struggles today, but pales in comparison to the strike committees that dominated whole towns in the general strike of 1972.
But the economic struggle is not enough to challenge capitalist rule on the stage of history. For that, the working class will need to wage a political struggle against the very roots of capital. To do so, the working class must form its own political party. Not a party in a capitalist parliamentary sense, but a party of workers organized around a coherent political outlook and fighting on the front ranks of struggles, always connecting them to the struggle as a whole and pointing the way forward.