Angry University of Alaska workers

“There are no supreme saviors / Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune / Producers, let us save ourselves!”
The Internationale

About and contact


It’s best to contact us through the private, anonymous, open source SimpleX chat software. See the chat page for details.

If you are a UA worker and you want to email us, please see above. If you still insist on emailing us, use a burner account. Use no account that can divulge your identity. (We are trustworthy, sure, but we encourage you to get used to taking every precaution.) More than anything, never use your University email account to contact us. The UA bosses will for sure catch you. Anyway, our address is MoonstoneHelmet (@)

For now we are anonymous. That’s down to the state of the class struggle at the moment. Workers who fight with gloves off get fired. Meanwhile, administrators who unleash the most brutal cuts and anti-worker policies get raises, accolades, and lifetime appointments.

About us

We are past and present University of Alaska (UA) workers and students.

Declaring our politics

We said it as far back as 1848: we disdain to conceal our views and aims. So let’s get something out of the way.

We approach the labor battle within the University of Alaska from a genuinely marxist perspective. (Unlike academics, we do not see marxism as a “lens” to better participate as placid little citizens of the state or to win a “fair wage.” We want to destroy the state and wage labor forever!)

We believe that every struggle that breaches the social peace between exploiter and exploited is a small step towards the eventual formation of the international class party; the violent destruction of every existing state; the transitory dictatorship of the proletariat against money, property, states, and classes; and the realization of a human community on a global scale.

Take it or leave it. You don’t need to share the historic vision of your class in order to fight for your own immediate material interests!