Angry University of Alaska workers

“There are no supreme saviors / Neither God, nor Caesar, nor tribune / Producers, let us save ourselves!”
The Internationale


The problem

University of Alaska (UA) workers have suffered years of crushing inflation offset by only the most pathetic “raises.” Consider:

All the while, this brutal cycle: In 2019 many UA workers got thrown to the curb or quit. The rest of us did more work but didn’t get paid more. As exploitation intensified, people fled. The cycle begins anew.

You gonna take this shit? We’re not. And we hope you won’t, either!

The solution

We explain our positions in depth in our flier “UA workers, prepare to strike! Let’s impose our will on the bosses!” Please read it. Even if you disagree in part, please share it with your coworkers! Then discuss with us points of agreement and disagreement.

But here’s a short version of what we say in the flier:

We aim to unite all UA workers for the fierce battles we hope are ahead. If we want anything more than scraps, we need to prepare for mass collective action. Not collective bargaining, but collective action!

This site does not dispense ready-made formulas from on high. We will all discover our tactics and goals only during the militant struggle of the whole UA workforce. As such, this site is one forum to discuss and coordinate, free from the bosses and their unwitting allies in the unions.

Which brings us to our next point: this site is “outside and against the unions.” To win, workers must break out of the ghettos the unions put us in. To fight as separate, isolated groups is to play into the bosses’ strategy of divide and conquer. By limiting us to the legal limits afforded them by the state, the unions tie our hands. Instead of passive membership in organizations that exist only to sell our labor power, we need to actively self-organize in the interests of the entire class!

A bold, unbounded struggle of all UA workers–that’s our only hope for victory!